JULY 6-12th,2024

HEARTS ON FIRE EXPERIENCE (HOFX) is a 7-day on-site training experience where we will minister to the Lord together, learn to intercede unto breakthrough, get top-notch training from full-time missionaries, make life-long kingdom friendships, and go out into in nearby cities in Los Angeles and Orange county to get radically activated in evangelism and mission.


We are partnering with missionary focused organizations such as: Youth With a Mission (YWAM), Circuit Riders, Luminate Missions, and One Chance for Every Person.
Each organization will be providing teaching and breakout sessions.

Pricing: $500

Includes room & board


Brandon Engebretsen - HOFX Coordinator

Thanks for being interested in HOFX! We believe this summer your life will be impacted by the heart of God and His heart for reaching the lost. Along with a team of incredible and passionate missionaries, we have prayed about and coordinated every aspect of this experience so that you can get prepared and equipped to reach the world here, near and far! I look forward to learning alongside with you and seeing God move within your life! See you soon!